Fishers Needs Your Help
I’m reaching out to you because Fishers needs your help. I’m sure you’re tired of the hyperbole from the hundreds of political emails you receive and I get it. So I will try to keep it brief and to the point.
A Worrying Shift…
4 Years ago when I ran for City Council the focus was on the fundamentals; transparency, fostering growth and development, etc. In the years since we’ve seen a shift in the community that worries many of us. Outside voices have stoked fear and hate within our residents. Our vibrant open community has made alarming moves towards a far right agenda that has spread throughout our leadership. What started with screaming in our school board meetings spread to our libraries and is now taking aim at our City Council.
How We Can Win This
We are facing a Republican slate incumbents who know what’s at stake. Our strong slate of candidates and our supporters are stepping up to finally break their one party rule and bring a new type of government to the City of Fishers. Never before have Democratic residents had so many reasons to get to the polls for their municipal election. First and foremost we expect strong support for the public school system with a funding referendum on the ballot. Second, we will be pushing back hard against the policies our leaders have created to push people out of our city. We will stand up for our libraries, welcome visitors to our parks, fight for our students. Lastly, we will meet our neighbors at their doors to show them that true leaders aren’t afraid to listen.